26 July 2018 4759
Margilan to host Atlas Festival

Festival of Traditional Textiles “Atlas bayrami” is held since 2015 in the ancient city of Margilan with the support of the UNESCO Office in order to preserve the cultural heritage, support the development of crafts, as well as improve the quality and design of traditional crafts.

Due to successful holding of this festival from year to year, it has become one of the significant events not only in the region, but also in the republic. Representatives of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan also took part in the third festival, allowing to expand the geographical limits of the event.

The main goal of “Atlas bayrami” Festival is to preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage of Uzbekistan, in particular traditional textiles using silk, as well as its transfer to the next generations.

As reported by the Press Service of the State Committee for Tourism Development, the fourth festival (September 11-15, 2018) is planned to focus on traditional textiles along the Silk Road. Having the main goal of supporting the development of traditional crafts, improving the quality and design of handicraft products, as well as attracting tourists to discover Fergana region for themselves.