Saodat Ensemble

That is a commemoration Ensemble, which incorporates three sections: the Vault of Jahangir, a mosque and a tomb of Hazrat Imam Temur. The most loved child of the ruler passed on in 1376 year and cast his dad in an utter hopelessness, so much that "the heart of the sovereign was shut for empathy amid 30 years." The body of a youthful sovereign was taken to the place that is known for their precursors, where a sepulcher was worked for him. Later, a family tomb, which gave the rest for another child Timur – Omar, was worked around the catacomb. The room was lined with limestone chunks, enriched with curved corners ligature with expressions from the Koran about the triumph of time everlasting and the short life of natural life. Not a long way from the Mausoleum of Jahangir and the mosque another tomb, manufactured extraordinarily for Temur himself, is arranged. Nowadays, just a vacant tomb is left from the entire development, on the grounds that, as you probably are aware the immense ruler was covered in Samarkand.